This series contemplates the reality that in so many circumstances, the people of God act and live as though the Gospel has no power in their lives and in as much, the Gospel must not work. Over eight weeks in preparation for the “Horrors of Christmas” (wrath, judgement, horror and hell) series, we have discovered…
What is Unconditional Election?
1. Statement of the Doctrine. 2. Proof from Scripture. 3. Proof from Reason. 4. Faith and Good Works are the Fruits and Proof, not the Basis, of Election. 5. Reprobation. 6. Infralapsarianism and Supralapsarianism. 7. Many are Chosen. 8. A Redeemed World or Race. 9. Vastness of the Redeemed Multitude. 10. The World is…
Response to “Sinner’s Prayer” and Decisional Regeneration
My brother in Christ, Eddie Dalcour, Ph.D. of Christian Defense Ministrieshas prepared a good response to the issue of the latest SBC Resolution on the Sinner’s Prayer. I will be posting a line-by-line response soon and Lord willing, we will be answering this and other issues in a public venue. Please find Eddie’s words and contemplate…
Church History Tuesday 7PM
Starting Tuesday May 22 at 7PM, we will begin a new mini-series on the History of the Church: America. This course will consist of seven weeks so please consider coming to all or some and learn how God has moved into America from her early days and how the church has grown, suffered and surrendered…
Foundations of the Faith Class Starting Tuesdays Foundations of the Faith | AFM101 This course will review several of the basic tenants and essential doctrines of the Christian faith. It will be a primer for future studies or an overview as a self-contained study. The course will consist of eight weeks of one-hour sessions with 15 minutes of questions at the…
A Firm Location | Worship Service Changes
Praise the Father for His provision. Starting Sunday March 11 at 2PM GraceTruth Church will begin meeting at 210 S. Duval Street, Claxton GA This is an answer to prayer and will allow us to begin some mid-week classes Lord willing. Starting the third Tuesday in March at 7PM, we will meet for our first…
What John 3:16 Really Says
We hosted this panel in California and Dr.s Dalcour and Downing give a wonderful exposition on this text. Please watch and listen several times. For more teaching and podcasts, visit the site for Pastor James H. Tippins TRANSCRIPT What John 3:16 Really Says “Dr. Downing” A literal translation
Racism and the Gospel | A Straight Look at the Power of the Cross
For the month of February, GraceTruth Church of Claxton, GA will be dealing with the truth that Christ came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John) and that one of the enemy’s grandest deceptions is the division of the people of God in worship and life on racial lines. God created ONE people,…
Meeting at 2PM Each Sunday
Join us for worship at 2PM each Sunday. We are in the letter to the Ephesians and have just gotten started, so please come, share with us how God is working in your life and through His word, then remain afterward for a time of open question and answer and fellowship with the saints! We…
Church Plant Informational Meeting | Q&A
Sunday, September 25th, at 3PM there will be an informational meeting for interested parties at 704 W Park Ave, Claxton GA Please come if you interested in learning more about GraceTruth Church, you are under no obligation. For info or directions, please call 1-877-789-7725 or email james AT gracetruth dot org For His Glory By…