Revelation is one of the most misunderstood letters in Scripture. Reading it is essential to a well-rounded and biblical understanding of scripture, so for the sake of the church and her joy, hope and life, we will learn some technical things about the writing. In addition, we will read through the letter and take a…
Church Should Be Safe, Not a Cause for Fear.
Alright, let’s talk about fear. And I’m not talking about the horror movies or the haunted houses kind of fear. I’m talking about something a little closer to home—church trauma. Yeah, some of you hear ‘church’ and, honestly, it feels like Halloween year-round. Some people have been through things that left them afraid to walk…
A Few Sermons on Spiritual Warfare
Common Grace: A Divisive Doctrine
A RULING ON “COMMON GRACE” BY GTC ELDERS At GraceTruth Church, we reject common grace and the well-meant offer and believe they are heretical doctrines. As a disclaimer, please see the references below, as we gathered our understanding from a variety of sources and authors on every possible side of the argument. Common Grace Common…
What is Obedience of Faith? Romans 16, Closing Message
Reading Romans Series, Closing Message
Gospel of John
The GOSPEL OF JOHN is one of the most beloved of the New Testament writings. John was the disciple that “Jesus Loved” and was the only one at the crucifixion. This series will take several years (4 in fact). Please continue to join us.
Commitment to Biblical Authority
Sovereign GraceTruth Baptist Church (GraceTruth Church) is really a people, not a place and certainly not in any way a program. There is nothing to say about what we ‘offer’ or ‘provide’ by way of interest groups, associations, or activities. From our beginnings several years ago we have always agreed upon several core values by…
Thinking About Jesus Being in the Form of God
This is an excerpt to Philippians 2:16 during a sermon from 2014. We should pause and consider what it means for Jesus to be the fullness of God in Flesh. And then we should worship God who reveals Himself through Jesus Christ.
GraceTruth Confession of Faith
THE BAPTIST CONFESSION OF FAITH OF 1689 with Doctrinal Explanations and Variants. The framework of the historical confessions contains solid theological truths and explanations from which most particular baptist congregations can glean insight into vital doctrinal positions from antiquity. Confessions, however, are not authoritative outside of Biblical Exegetical Context. In other words, a statement of…
Why Worshipping with GraceTruth May NOT be for you…. 21 Reasons
I’m not kidding by writing this article. It’s not a ploy or a play on words that will be tongue-in-cheek and cause you to want to join us for worship. It is a serious reflection over the last four years and why so many people just cannot get to the point where they want to…