Sovereign GraceTruth Baptist Church (GraceTruth Church) is really a people, not a place and certainly not in any way a program. There is nothing to say about what we ‘offer’ or ‘provide’ by way of interest groups, associations, or activities. From our beginnings several years ago we have always agreed upon several core values by which we would live and interact as a family. One of those is a commitment to Expositional Preaching of the Scriptures. The reason is that we know that the Word of God is supremely authoritative as God’s self-revelation (Logos) thereby making all Grace sufficient for every good work only through the written Word. In the next few weeks, we will embark on our first journey through one of the Gospels. In this journey as the church, we will see first hand the power of God’s word in our lives, as we’ve already seen, and we’ll see the face of Jesus Christ clearly through the writing of John, which was recorded for the purpose of seeing and believing in Jesus Christ as the ETERNAL LIFE!
For the sake of undergirding the preached word on Sundays, we will soon begin a Sunday afternoon gathering to invest time in some of the doctrines found in John’s gospel. In conjunction with our journey through this gospel, we are also beginning our Tuesday evening study in Romans toward the end of May 2017. We will not exposit verse-by-verse but will do a theological reading of the letter and engage all of its primary doctrine and theology.
Thursday afternoons we are beginning our Theology Thursday studies and our Grace School of Theology and Pastor’s Seminary courses. This first course, which can be audited for free, will be a graduate level study of the primary theological systems of God, His Work, Jesus Christ and The Doctrine of Redemption. Enrollment for that course is currently open for the School of Theology, Pastoral candidates need an invitation for this current provision.
Peruse in your spare time and be ready to engage with a large supply of apologetic and biblical studies material centered on Christian doctrine, Life, and the Local Church. A podcast with Dr. Edward Dalcour and Pastor James Tippins will begin in a few weeks relating doctrinal and biblical studies to the pastoral ministry of the church. These will commence every Friday and will be live call-in as available.
If you’re interested in these teaching & learning opportunities, please let us know.