This Summer, GraceTruth Baptist Church has turned one as a constituted church and in that time much has transpired. Some experiences have been difficult, some incredible, but all things for our good and for the glory of God. In our culture many people measure success in many different ways. For example, the local church of America seem to only think things are good when attendance is up, baptisms are up and the funds are rolling in. This ultimately produces an unbiblical pressure on the church to “perform” and always think of ways to do more, get more and be more when the scripture teaches that the church, that is the people of God redeemed by faith alone in Christ Jesus, have every spiritual blessing in Christ already. So the church is lacking nothing. So for the sake of this “spotlight” I desire to focus on something very dear; community. It’s the 100th birthday for Evans County and while GraceTruth Church’s membership comprises more than six different counties, she is at the heart, a church of her community. Our prayer is to see God answer the needs of our community in all aspects of life and GraceTruth church is committed to prayer and action.
Community Updates Claxton Enterprise
While the church is not in the business of creating “church based” opportunities, the drawing board looks something like this for the next two years. We ask that you prayerfully consider your involvement, especially in prayer.
1 – We desire to see the church of Jesus Christ (this means all congregations and denominations) be the church in vision and mission taking the message of the gospel to people who continually need to hear it, including ourselves. The gospel is not the “hook” for lost souls, it is the power of God for security, hope, peace, holiness and worship. (Romans 1:16, 1 Peter 1:3)
2 – We are actively working with the community in support of a local investment initiative giving more focus on what Evans county has to offer and what it could be if everyone worked together for a common goal. Evans county has the potential to become an active people who care and give and support each other as well as a holy community of worshippers for the glory of God.
3 – We have begun plans for the establishment of a foundation that would provide business development training and career evaluation for many who have had a very difficult time finding work and who need some professional guidance in starting their own way of making a living.
4 – Pride In Evans is an initiative that desires the people of Evans County to see their homeplace as necessary and vital to the security of the culture, and Christians certainly must be active in the community, so GTC is committed to partnering in this effort as a people, not a place.
5 – The plans and final stages of a local Seminary is coming near to completion and will provide tuition free theological studies and biblical studies for local students of scripture, who desire to either learn or seek general and advanced degrees in the fields. There is a great need for the training of men and women for the mission field in partnership with national and international missions.
6 – We pray that the church would be more active in the role of supporting local ministries such as the FoodBank and other organizations that have the infrastructure to help families in need. Scripture says that anyone who has the world’s goods but closes their heart toward their brother are not in the faith. (1 John 3:17) This isn’t a guilt check but a reminder of just how good the grace of God is that has been given to us freely at the cost of Jesus Christ the Son and in turn, we have a heart to help others at the cost of us.
7 – This area needs more congregations. It is a fact that nearly 8 out of 10 people are unchurched and denominations across North America have been pushing for the planting of new congregations. The church multiplies as it grows from newly planted seeds. The age of the big fat church is over, it’s time for all the people of God to pray about their involvement in really giving to a people, not a place or program. Every church can actively be a part of planting new congregations, at the minimum, in homes and businesses. GTC wants to be a voice of proclamation and preparation for this venture as we now have a core group meeting in Statesboro on Wednesdays, we would like to see in-home studies grow in the Evans County area among all believers.
8 – Praying for local leaders and government. Most of the time those who serve us are not served by us. Speaking only to the church, we should be about honoring our leaders and humbling ourselves to the throne of heaven on their behalf while keeping our tongues in check. Sadly, the entire world loves to defame others, let’s see the church stand in the manner Christ stood who “kept silent” and “intrusted Himself to the one who is faithful.”
9 – Praying for the lost. We want to see a movement of God’s people and it starts with prayer for ourselves, that God would give us a heart for the perishing and then a prayer for the gospel to go out from us that many might be saved from sin and judgment. The gospel is ALWAYS Good News and we, the church, have it to give. Let’s begin to work together to pray for the lost. GTC is committed to working side by side any local church in this effort so that other churches would grow bigger and bigger for the glory of God.
10 – Praying for our schools. Just like the civic leaders, our educational leaders are hard at work for the sake of our future-the children. Let’s pray, serve and give as we can whether it benefits “our kids” or not. Are all kids not our kids if we are a community?
There is much more to share, much more to pray for and much more to behold when we see the greatness of what God can do through HIS people. GraceTruth church is committed to being a voice and a beacon of hope for the suffering and lowly as we all run the race together for the sake of God’s name.
Join us online at or on – and for anyone who has questions, please contact us directly at 912-289-5537.
For His Glory by His Grace,
Pastor James Tippins