The Gospel of John reveals Christ as the creator, as a man, as the image of God and as the living Word. When we hear the word Gospel, we often consider it as just a story or “good news” as it translates. The scripture gives us a little deeper understanding in that the gospel is God Himself becoming man in order to rightly satisfy the demands of the righteousness against sin. In other words, the gospel is God and Christ is God, so Jesus is the gospel. This is not just something God has offered so that people have the option of being redeemed, the gospel is the truth that God has secured the redemption of His children; the church, the elect. Christ is a sufficient savior who makes certain that all who believe will be saved and this was the plan for all time. It’s the very reason Christ created the world and breathed life into the first people — so that He could be glorified in saving a people, setting them apart for Himself. God’s free gift of Grace is found in the Truth of God’s word. Take time to read and meditate today. Let us know how we can pray for you. For His Glory!
Pastor James