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- What am I supposed to do about inviting people to church? Great question. First, we must realize that the purpose of the church is NOT to invite people to “IT” but to invite people to “US”. This means that we are to openly invite, invest and enrich the lives of people whom God puts in our lives. We are not even to invite them to “CHRIST” but we invite them to learn Him and obey Him through the daily teaching of the scripture.
- What ministries are we going to have? That depends on the ministries that God has called our church family to begin and support. We have a saying that for everything God purposes, He prepares and provides. In other words, if you have a strong feeling about a specific task or service that the church should do, it means that you should pray for God to provide the Champion to lead the charge. No champion, no ministry.
- What will our church services be like? Well, that depends again on who God gives us as gifts (Eph 4) and their talents and calling. If we have some great musicians, then we will have some great music. However, no matter how the services may end up, they will be focused on the reading and preaching of the scriptures which is the primary vehicle for true worship as a congregation. We will sing, pray, listen, learn, and observe the Lord’s table and baptism as often as we can.
- What should we wear? Well, clothes of course. We want you to be comfortable with your clothes and your convictions. If you feel like you want to dress up as nice as you can, then please do. If you consider jeans and a t-shirt, go ahead. We are not going to recommend any type of dress code except that which will honor God and avoid reproach, lust, and pride.
- When it comes to music, what will that be like? This is a BIG question because music is one of the most powerful and moving creative works that the Lord has allowed to exist. The scripture is full of musical examples, songs, and hymns as well as analogies that empower the church to understand how music speaks to the soul. For the most part, the church will utilize the talents of her membership in all areas, even music. However, we won’t allow music to be a draw “to” the church but another means through which truth is considered and digested. So, all music will focus around the gospel with its lyrics and all music will avoid distraction from the truth. As for style, well there are songs that were written 400 years ago that we are going to teach you and a few upbeat and happening songs that were written just last week.
- What about children and youth? What will there be “for” them? Children and youth are going to be equipped with the reality of God through the written word. For the most part, our large group congregational worship time will be family-focused and family integrated. There will be generationally specific teaching opportunities for all ages as well as intentional efforts to provide mentors for all ages and genders.
- What is required to be a member? Well, first a foremost New Life. This is what it means to be born again or “saved”. A person must actually be a regenerated believer and follower of Jesus Christ in order to actually be called part of the church. Second, we require baptism by submersion as an act of public profession and obedience of faith according to the scripture before the membership. Baptism is not required for salvation, that is by grace alone, however, baptism is important for the new believer or even the old one who never followed Christ’s command to be baptized. After these two things, the perspective member will take a class, fill out a brief survey that will inform you on the beliefs, mission, and vision of GTC as well as making sure you understand the covenant that is required of being a member of the church and the covenant that the elders/pastors and leaders make with you along with the rest of the family. The congregation will be presented to the prospective members and the church will affirm to receive and covenant with the new members. Membership is open to any person meeting these requirements age 16 or older. Any minor that does not complete a membership process will remain as a “Care member” under the guidance of their parents.
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