Although we all think continually, more often our thoughts are dominated by what life throws at us which takes our thoughts away from Christ. Paul gives us a key to living a worshipful life in Romans 12 when he says to be transformed by the “renewal of your mind.” Several places in the New Testament we also find the idea that our thinking should be centered on eternal things. As Christian, if we are not focused on the Gospel, our worldly thinking can dominate us. Thinking on the Gospel, Grace and Truth becomes a reminder of what Christ ahs done to reconcile us in His body of flesh by Hid death. Jesus’ death was for God’s righteousness so that God could display His holiness while forgiving undeserving sinners. It is greatly powerful in the lives of believers to meditate and think about the Gospel of Christ. Pray for God to renew your joy in Him and begin to read John’s gospel, we’ll journey there next week. We are still praying for you and want to hear from you.
For His Glory by His Grace,
Pastor James